Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thunderstorm Time Travel

This morning the weather was hot and muggy. After preschool we went to play outside in the kiddie pool and the sandbox. Big Bro and Lil Sis played happily and I did some gardening. But soon it turned into a super stormy afternoon. The kids hid under the porch while I quickly gathered up their toys and we went inside to dry off. 

I distracted them from the storms by reading books on the couch and making a fort under the dining room table. Pepper panted and stayed close to us. 

Then I remembered: one night when I was small my sisters and I woke up in the night because of a very close and very loud thunderstorm. I remember fearing the big pine tree out my window would break or fall right into my room (it didn't, and it still stands even today). We were all scared and it was pitch black night. My dad took us down into the basement, an unfinished basement lined with a coal bin and full of tools. But a central feature was the old ping-pong table. I remember playing ping-pong safely in the basement that night as the thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed. With our heads below ground level, and hanging out with my dad, I felt safe. When the storm passed he tucked us back into our beds and we went to sleep.

So, just like my dad had done decades ago, I took my own kids down into the basement. Our basement is also unfinished. Instead of tools, it's lined with random junk that I dream about clearing out, though we have some tools too. In one cleaned out corner we have an air hockey table. So that's where we went. We played air hockey until the storms passed with the whir of the table's electronic music and fans drowning out the rumbles of thunder and cracks of lightning.

It made me feel close to my dad. It felt a bit like time travel to a past lifetime or a visit to a parallel universe. A fun and meaningful tradition for stormy days.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kid Conversations

After a full day of playing and togetherness I needed a break. The kids reluctantly accepted that it was quiet time. They didn't really have to be silent, they just needed to give me some space. They could choose to play by themselves or together. Lil Sis started a conversation with Big Bro: remember the Na-na-Na? That grown-up singing to Elmo in bed and Elmo can't sleep and the grownup sings na-na-na!? 
Yeah! He replied, and they both started saying "Na-na-na" as loud as they could.
It then morphed into them singing different songs. Big Bro started singing the letter S song from our ABC Mouse app. Lil Sis started singing the letter I song.

Quickly the conversation deteriorated into potty talk. Big Bro said "looks like we better move this to the bathroom." And they went into the bathroom to giggle and laugh some more.

I heard them flushing the toilet repeatedly so went to go check what was going on. Luckily it wasn't anything serious... The toilet wasn't overflowing nor was it full of toilet paper or some random toy. I shooed them upstairs into the toy room so they could play up there.

They agreed to go upstairs. But before following her Brother upstairs, Lil Sis stopped and asked me with a gleam in her eye "Mommy, since you're not upstairs we can talk potty talk, right?"

I wasn't sure what to say. Should I take the hard line position or should I let them have some secret sibling fun? I can hear the potty talk and endless giggles floating down the stairs. I still think quality sibling time is worth a little benign mischief.