Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Field trip Fallout

Yesterday Big Bro came home from a birthday party feeling under the weather. That night he fell asleep unusually quickly at bedtime and had a fever and cough. Unsurprisingly, the next morning he wasn't feeling that much better. Regretfully and reluctantly I told him he better stay home from preschool today.

 It was a bad day for missing preschool because his class was going to the Flynn Theater to see "Harold and the Purple Crayon." Around the time that his class would be getting on the bus to the Flynn Big Bro started to perk up and I seriously questioned my decision. He was aware of what he was missing and feeling quite sad about it.

So if he couldn't go to Harold, I decided I would bring Harold to him. We started by reading the book, twice. Then I taped white paper to the wall so he could draw Harold's adventure himself. He happily told me the story as he explained his picture, even getting some of the book phrases perfectly. 

Lil Sis and I made our own version called "Harriet and the Brown Crayon" in which Harriet and her puppy go on an adventure. They are following the sun when they come upon a big scary dog. Harriet's hand starts to shake with fear and creates water. She quickly draws a canoe for her and her puppy to get in and paddle to land. Then she discovers she is hungry so draws a peach tree and peach pie. She and her puppy eat their fill, then she draws a bear to finish the rest. Next she draws a mountain to climb but falls off when she is looking at the bright sun. Similar to Harold's balloon, she draws herself a hang glider for her and her puppy to get safely back to the ground. Then they decide they want to go home so they draw their house and then play with another dog named Peppy.

The next activity was to make a pie like Harold's 9 pies and Harriet's peach pie. I had an old piecrust in the freezer from Thanksgiving. We had the ingredients to make a chocolate cream pie, a first for us. 

Then Nini graciously went out to get heavy cream so we can make whipped cream to serve with it. It's now cooling in the in the fridge and I haven't heard any more sad remarks about missing the field trip. Parenting win.

We sampled it with fresh whipped cream after lunch. It was still a bit warm, so not as pudding like as it should have been, but it was still delicious.

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