On Saturday we had a lovely family day. It started out with a nice breakfast, then we went to the local library where the kids got prizes for reading books. After that we went to our farmers' market and got the most delicious strawberry popsicles ever. We came home for a nice lunch, and drove into town to do a couple errands. Back home again, we played outside and generally had fun.
Next came a dinner out for a community dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, a little more play, bathtime, teeth brushing, reading books and then lights out.
We are in the habit of laying down with the kids until they fall asleep. It's a habit I would like to break, nevertheless it is what we do. That night the kids were not buying it. Maybe it was just because it's summer or maybe it was the sugary, sweet strawberry shortcake they had at a community dinner, but they were talking. They were wiggling. They were not @*?! sleeping!
I got fed up. I did not want to waste my time laying next to Lil Sis pretending to sleep--especially when she was no where near sleep. My husband was falling asleep as he snuggled with a sleepless Big Bro.
I made a decision.
"Alright," I announced. "I'm turning on the light. You guys can read books or play in your room, but daddy and I are going to go to mommy and daddy things by ourselves. Stay in your room."
Daddy looked up groggily, but followed me out of the room.
The kids took it surprisingly well. Often when we threaten to leave the room they cry and insist that they will be good. "Okay, mommy." they said calmly and sweetly.
My husband and I retreated to our room. The kids stayed in their room for a while, but then started coming out to ask questions to do whatever they could think of to get attention. Each time we would calmly tell them to go back to their room. And surprisingly, they did!
Eventually they were getting more intrusive, coming in and out more frequently. We decided to let them go into the playroom as well. Just as long as they didn't bother us!
Still, they were running in and out of the playroom and our room, up and down the hall. We took to ignoring them. They did look darn cute running around in their underwear and diaper respectively since it was a warm summer night.
Then they invented a game: be sneaky and dump toys in mommy and daddy's bedroom. They thought they were so quiet and sneaky. They thought they were hilarious! We pretended not to notice until the pile got prettybig.
We feigned surprise and laughed with them. Finally, I asked Big Bro to get a basket from the playroom so they could put all the toys back in it. They obliged, and I carried the loaded basket back to the playroom.
Then it was really time for bed. They still protested. Loudly. They still fought sleep. But finally, by 9 PM, they were both out.