Sunday, December 1, 2013

First Advent: (Re)Starting A Tradition

I almost forgot that yesterday was the first of the four Sundays before Christmas. It also happened to fall on December 1st this year. That meant the start of Advent!

Though there are religious meanings to Advent, for my family growing up it was done in a more secular fashion. We grew up getting chocolate Advent calendars to help us count down the days from December 1st until Christmas. It's something I wanted my kids to experience too, so this year they were both old enough to get one. They don't totally get it yet, but they liked the chocolate.


Later on in the day my husband suggested we get our Christmas tree. We drove to a local farm down the road that was selling pre-cut trees. My son helped us pick out which tree to get, and eagerly watched as his father tied it to the roof of the van.

Just like last year, my daughter spent the experience asleep in her car seat.

Back at home we set the tree in its stand and let it warm up. The kids loved sitting under the tree.

My husband cooked a fabulous black bean soup using beans we grew, and a white bean soup. He poured them side by side in bowls. Along with the Advent wreath it looked beautiful on the table. My mom joined us for for soup, bread, and a sweet bite while listening to Christmas music on Pandora..

After dinner we set to decorating the tree. My son had been clamoring to get into the ornaments all evening. He hung lots of ornaments closely together on the low branches. My daughter loved naming the ornaments "ball!", "neigh!" (for horse), "rahr" (for bear). But mostly she loved taking the ornaments back off the tree. We sang "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" and "Jingle Bells" as we worked. Each child got a turn being lifted up by their father to attempt to put the star on top of the tree. In the end their dad had to do it himself.

The whole day happened rather spontaneously and stress-free. It's so nice to start sharing my childhood traditions with my own children.

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