Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy Father's Day

My kids are so lucky. 

They have a dad who sits on the floor and plays Legos with them.

They have a dad who reads to them daily and makes up stories about their adventures in Candyland.

They have a dad who made it a standing date to take them out to the library each evening that I have a planning commission meeting.

They have a dad who wrestles and rough houses with them.

They have a dad who bakes scones with them on weekend mornings (and lets me sleep in!)

They have a dad who shows them where to pick wild blackberries in the yard.

They have a dad who will fetch them the best apple he can find on our apple trees.

They have a dad who is always eager to help them learn.

They have a dad who will always hug and cuddle them.

They have a dad who is active in their lives.

They have a dad who loves them to the sun and back.

We are lucky to have him!

Happy Father's Day!

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