Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rumble in the Roost

We have had our new chicks for almost a month now. They are growing out of those cute little fuzzy things they once were, into awkward, gangly teenage chicks.



They still like to be under the heat lamp like babies, but they are getting more adult feathers. Their tail feathers are starting to fill out too, but they are still quite small.

It won't be much longer before they have outgrown their cardboard box in the tub. Soon they will have to integrate with their older sisters in the coop.

We've tried to have them meet once or twice before. The first time we only brought out our nicest big chickens, Alpha and Frieda. It went well because the big chickens just ignored the chicks, even when Big Bro held one up right to Alpha's face.

The second meeting went less well. Alpha, our favorite and nicest chicken, checked out the chicks and gave one of them a swift peck, which sent the poor chick into cheeping hysterics. Alpha clearly wanted the chick to know her place at the bottom of the pecking order. Yes, there is a literal pecking order in chicken flocks.

Alpha, I am so disappointed in you.

Hopefully once the chicks are even bigger and more able to defend themselves we can start integration. It's a good thing the big chickens are free range now. Perhaps once the big chickens are out for the day we will let little chicks explore the coop and the chicken yard. We will have to build the new chicks their own roost and laying boxes in the coop as well. The more we can do to minimize the fight over territory the better.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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