Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Disappearance of BIG Pepper

This spring I wrote about how Lil Sis' best snuggly friend "Baby Pepper" disappeared. She was later found in our house.

But did you know that last summer Big Pepper also disappeared?

It was early summer. The kids and I were expecting my husband home within an hour or so. Suddenly I noticed that Pepper was not hanging around with us in the backyard as usual.

Pepper has nearly 5 acres of land to roam so I wasn't very concerned. I whistled for her and shouted her name while clapping my hands. Normally this brings her running, but that time: nothing.

I called Grandpa on the phone and asked if he would help with the search. Still nothing.

Now I was getting worried and decided the next step was to drive around looking. I left the kids with Grandpa so I could find my dog. As I opened the driver door of my van I looked in the backseat and there she was. Pepper. She had been lying on the back third row bench seat the whole time. She wagged her tail and was so happy to see me. 

Turns out, when the kids and I got home that afternoon I inadvertently left one of the sliding van doors open. At some point Pepper climbed into the van and made herself comfy in the third row. Then, a couple hours later Grandma came to visit and closed the van door. She didn't tell me that she saw the door open or that she closed it. Pepper being the docile dog that she is didn't even think to bark when I was calling for her. I just thank the universe that it was not a hot day!

From that day on I made a conscious effort to close the van doors immediately or check the backseat for Pepper before closing the doors.

So tonight, more than a year later, suddenly my husband asked "Where's Pepper? She wasn't hanging out with us in the backyard like usual."

"You're right. Oh no." I answered and proceeded to go outside to call and whistle and stomp and clap for her. A minute later I realized, the van is in the garage. The doors had been left open for a while before I closed them. I had better go check.

There she was again. Lying in the third row. Wagging her tail and happy to see me. Thank goodness it was not a hot day and thank goodness the van was in the garage instead of full sun.

She came inside for dinner and a drink and is now sleeping peacefully on our couch.

I've got to be extra vigilant about the van doors again.

Pepper in one of her favorite spots

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