Sunday, October 20, 2013

Santa Comes Early

My son is discovering that there are a lot of toys available for purchase in the world. He sees toy commercials on tv if I'm not diligent enough to fast forward them or turn off his show in time. He also got to play with some fun remote control cars when we were running an errand at Radio Shack. Of course he tells me I should buy him every single toy he sees and likes.

Here it is, not even Halloween yet, but when faced with a steady stream of toy requests I answered, "Well, let's make a list so you can ask Santa for those toys. If you're good maybe he will bring you some of them."
So far his list includes:
  • his own camera
  • a guitar
  • a "building" tow truck
  • mighty mega monster trucks
  • fancy magnetic blocks he saw on tv

Today, while playing with his father, he wrote his own letter to Santa and put it in an envelope. Since he's just 3 he can't actually write yet, so it's just red lines on the back of an old envelope that looks like a list. My husband put a fruit sticker on it as a postage stamp, and my son insists we need to mail it.

The envelope with fruit sticker stamp

His list for Santa

 At least with the concept of Santa Claus solidified I can deflect toy requests gracefully and give him incentive to behave. I can also read him The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear book (again) where Sister Bear learns not to make her list for Santa too long.

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