Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Trunk or Treat!

Halloween is one week from today! My son is very excited and asks almost every day if it's time for trick or treating yet. Here in the islands houses are far apart making Trick or Treating in the traditional sense impractical. Sure, my husband grew up having his parents drive him from house to house to beg for candy, but that sounds utterly unappealing to me being raised as an "in town" girl.

Thankfully our town has a fun and environmentally-more-friendly solution! It's called Trunk or Treat. It's hosted at the local school (K-8, we have no high school of our own) and everyone parks their cars and hands candy out from their trunks. People decorate their cars in festive ways and the PTO sells snack foods. Everyone is in costume, even many parents, and it's just a giant party as kids go trunk to trunk to get their candy and the adults chat. Here is a picture of us at Trunk or Treat last year when my son was 2 and my daughter was 6 months old.

This year the Fire Department is offering prizes to cars who win in the following categories: scariest, funniest, most original, and most environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly??? It has my name written all over it! How can I not participate? I still need to come up with an idea. The best thing would be to bike down to the school with my kids in a bike trailer. I would open up the bike trailer to reveal candy for eager trick or treaters, and perhaps decorate it with solar lights and have pretend windmills attached. Alas, I don't have a bike (I apologize), let alone one with a kid trailer. So what to do? Any ideas, dear readers? I would love to hear them.

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