Monday, October 7, 2013

Update on our New Sleeping Arrangement

Last week I wrote about co-sleeping, and how we had to end it because of all the kicks and bumps. We were excited to move little sister into big brother's room. She was less impressed. Even so, the first two nights went rather well. I just had to go in once a night to help her resettle herself after waking up around midnight or 1:00am (as is typical for her).

On the third night she revolted and woke up several times. Each time I laid with her in her toddler bed to get her back to sleep. It worked at first, but she failed to stay asleep. After a few tries I was too tired to keep it up and brought her into bed. The fourth night was the same.

This morning, after observing his sister sleeping soundly in our bed, I overheard my son sweetly tell his father, "I know why she doesn't sleep in her own bed. It's because her name isn't on the door." And it's true. My son's name is on the door. His great-grandma made him a sign over a year ago and it has been hanging there ever since. So today we made a sign for his sister too.

I have never had any luck finding all the right wooden letters at craft stores, so we used some cardboard from our recycling bin. In the morning when the paint dries we will hang it on the door with his, and maybe that will do the trick. I hope so, because as I write this she is sleeping snugly on my side of the bed.

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