Monday, March 10, 2014

My Tip for "Spring Forward" with Preschoolers

As parents we are always learning. There always seems to be something that we have never done before on the horizon. 

My newest horizon was dealing with the end of daylight savings time a.k.a. "spring forward" with a preschooler. All parents know that daylight savings time sucks, but with a school age child it's a special sort of hell.

When your kids are too young for school, spring forward is the opposite of fallback for normal people. Meaning, your child sleeps later, or at least that's what it feels like because the clock numbers say a later time. Even though you technically lose an hour of sleep, as a parent of young kids it feels like I gained an hour. However, with a school age child, come Monday morning you will be regretting this "sleeping in."

This morning I had to make up my son to get to preschool on time. Needless to say he did not take to it well. Next year I will remember this and be sure to wake him up on Sunday morning. This will at least avoid some of the misery of Monday/school morning.

Daylight savings time, I know you save energy and I'm all for that, but for parents you totally suck.

Hey, who is sleeping in my bed? Oh, and it's time to get up for school.

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