Monday, March 3, 2014

Old Faithful

When I was about to head off to college my mom bought me a new winter coat. I got to pick it out myself. I remember looking through the LL Bean catalogue and seeing a puffy blue coat. It looked soft and warm and even had an interior pocket that you could stuff the whole jacket into like a sleeping bag. Having recently finished a semester of camping and studying aboard the Audibon Expedition Institute bus I was into all things camping gear-like. I wanted that coat.

Here is me wearing the blue coat about a year after buying it. This is me and "Dada of Ma'at" skating on the frozen canal in Ottawa for their Winterlude Festival.

Here I am in it again a few years later at Dada of Ma'at's college graduation. Same coat.

And yet again 6 or 7 years ago when I traveled to DC for the Transportation Research Board conference. I was living in LA at the time, but my mom sent the coat down to wait for me at my sister's house in Baltimore. That is perhaps the one time I actually used the self-stuffing pocket feature.

I have worn this coat as a college first year, a graduate student, a single girl, a newlywed, and a mother of two. I even managed to fit my 9 month, hugely pregnant self into that coat twice.

Here I am wearing it just last month while ice sledding with the kids.

That coat has been mine for 16 years now. I did so many things while wearing it. Heck, I even wore that coat while Dada of Ma'at and I gutted and remodeled an old house--a very dirty job. Yet it is still fully functional. A bit discolored in places, sure. I probably should replace it so I can look more respectable, but then again, if it's not broke why fix it?

And wow, LL Bean! Thanks for an amazingly durable product! It certainly was worth the price.

Note: before you get too appalled thinking all I ever wear is this old raggedy coat, I do have a nice wool dress coat too.

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