Monday, February 17, 2014

Baby Pepper Attachment PART 2

Lil Sis carried Baby Pepper around with her 24/7 for a few weeks. Not to be outdone, Big Bro decided that Baby Pepper should be his special toy not hers, after all, that is just the nature of early childhood sibling rivalry. 

I convinced him that another tan, stuffed dog, simply named "Doggie" was his special friend. Doggie was given to Big Bro by an acquaintance as a welcome baby gift. 

Big Bro accepted this and for a while both kids toted their respective dogs around, and even out to dinner one night.

Lil Sis calls Doggie "Big Bro's Arf" and seemed ok with the arrangement. At first. Just a few days ago she has left Baby Pepper behind and commandeers "Big Bro's Arf" whenever she can. Doggie is now the stuffed toy of choice and we are back to them rivaling over it. It doesn't help explaining to Lil Sis that Doggie belongs to Big Bro. I mean, that's how Doggie came to be called "Big Bro's Arf" in the first place. Logic is lost on an almost 2 year old.

This time there is no obvious decoy toy to avert one of the kids' attention to. Even Baby Pepper can't extinguish the fights.

But as they say, this too shall pass. Just no one buy them any more stuffed dogs please, unless perhaps if they are identical.

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