Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Creepy Good Samaritan

The kids and I were in between appointments yesterday and had to kill some time in town. We went to the mall, not because I particularly like the mall, but because it is warm and the kids could run around. We also needed to buy a birthday gift.

As is often the case, Big Bro was crying for a snack. "I'm too hungry!" He whined, "Can we get a snack first?"

So we headed to the food court. There was a long line and we were waiting our turn. In front of us there was a man who kept looking at us and smiling. He was trying to be friendly, but he was just giving me the creeps. I know, how how could someone smiling and admiring your children seem so creepy? I don't know either, he just did.

I felt uncomfortable, but would return a quick polite smile and then avert my eyes and look at the menu. Every time I looked up, there he was smiling. Then it was his turn to get up to the counter and he announced, while looking back at us,  "I want to pay for the people behind me in line too."

 "Oh no, you don't have to do that." I answered hastily.

 "It's my good deed of the day," he answered giving a wink. Then he handed the cashier some money and added, "You have $15 to spend." Then he left.

The cashier turned her attention to me and said "He such a nice man, he does that all the time. I will give him his food for free tomorrow. It's a nice cycle."

Suddenly I felt bad for thinking this guy was creepy. We ordered some food and the remainder of the $15 went into the tip jar.

So thank you to the man who paid for our snack yesterday. I'm sorry I thought you were creepy. I think it's a great thing that you are doing for strangers.

But I can't blame myself too harshly either. As parents we have to protect our children. One never knows who the real creeps are out there. 

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