Sunday, April 6, 2014

Brave Big Bro & the Dentist's Drill

Since Big Bro got his first baby teeth, we brushed them with toddler toothpaste. Then I took my daughter to the cleft palette clinic and the dental hygienist Lil Sis saw there said that both kids should use a scrape of fluoride toothpaste. We had noticed that some of Big Bro's front teeth looked a little strange, so quickly made the switch.

Big Bro had his first dentist check up A few months later at age 2.5 when his dental insurance kicked in. The dentist confirmed that there was decalcification, but he could tell we had changed our routine because the decalcification had stopped. Fortunately it was small enough and would not need a dental intervention like fillings. The plan was to do our best and hope we could keep them that way until they were replaced by his adult teeth.

Fast forward to the present. When we took Big Bro to his latest dental appointment they said he needed two fillings. Ack! 

The morning of his appointment came and I was nervous. I didn't know what to tell him or if I should just not tell him anything about what was about. I told him we were going to the dentist but that was it. Big Bro was excited knowing that he would get a prize at the end.

I put on a brave face but my heart was pounding as I stood at the back of that little room while he got prepped in the chair. Would he need a shot a novacaine? How would he react to it all?Thankfully the dentist has a three year old son himself and put us both at ease. Dr. D explained the tools he would use: the Tickler, the Squirter, and Mr. Thirsty (Drill, water pick, and suction). No novacaine was required. 

Both Dr. D and his assistant marveled at what a good patient Big Bro was. They said he did as well as an eight-year-old would and that he was their best patient of the day. It was only the morning but they didn't think they would get a better one all day. Big Bro was so good that instead of filling just one as they planned, they were able to do both in one shot.

Feeling relieved that it was all over and with prizes in hand, Big Bro and I met up with Dada of Ma'at and Lil Sis for Daddy's day off. Hopefully we won't have to do this again. Big Bro seems to be like me though, miss a day of flossing and I'm flirting with dental disaster. Darn mesials.

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