Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pete and Re-Pete

"Look at her doing everything Big Bro does," our pediatrician marveled. "You could call them Pete and Re-Pete."

It's true that Lil Sis idolizes her big brother. They are so much alike. She has adopted many of his frequent sayings and behaviors for better or worse. Four-year-old sass just sounds funny coming out of a two-year-old's mouth. Some of the Big Bro-isms that Lil Sis has adopted are:

1. "You be the mommy doggie, I be the baby doggie and Big Bro is big kid doggie." I still don't really know how to play this game other than declaring that we are playing it and maybe woofing a couple times.

2. "Mommy...something to eat and something to drink, watch a show!" Straight from Big Bro's play book where he wakes up early each morning and makes these demands. 

3. "Wrestle?" and then try to jump on Dada.

4. "Noooo!" In a loud screechy tone followed by a curt "I don't!" when unhappy with what they are expected to do.

5. "Wellll...." another stalling tactic used before making up a long line of excuses why not to do something. Big Bro says "Wellll, actually...." We shall see if Lil Sis adds the 'actually' part.

I'm sure there are others but it's late and I can't think anymore. More will come to me tomorrow.

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