Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring Respite from Kids

It was one of those evenings. Big Bro started wailing inconsolably for no apparent reason other than it was the 5:00 witching hour. He acted out just to get attention then howled even more. I cooked dinner as fast as I could knowing food would improve the situation greatly.

We really did have a fun day. Big Bro's first day back at preschool after spring break, Lil Sis' first day back at music class, Grandma and Grandpa returned from Florida, it was gorgeous outside so we played and went to the local plant nursery. A good day all in all, but over stimulation for little ones fries their circuits and inevitably leads to meltdowns.

At the nursery we had bought asparagus roots and I really wanted to get them into the ground. Asparagus isn't vulnerable to frosts like other garden plants so it's ok to plant them now even during this chilly spring. Spring! What a welcoming thought. Planting these roots was an affirmation that summer really will get here.

My husband and I divided and conquered to get the laundry switched and the kids out the door. Then I started working on planting the asparagus while the kids tried to "help."

"Go help, Daddy!" I said through gritted teeth in the calmest voice I could muster. I was tired too and my patience was worn thin. After several reminders they did leave me alone. I dug the asparagus trenches in peace. Set the spidery looking roots into their holes, then covered them back up being careful to mark them with sticks so I wouldn't mistake the temperamental asparagus plants with weeds this summer.


The best part was that the kids were far away from me playing on their playground with Daddy and Grandma. Sometimes a mama just needs some time to herself!

Big Bro saw me watering so insisted on helping, which was alright. He's pretty good at following directions when he wants to.

Then Lil Sis wanted in on the action too. She was not good about following directions. I fought her on it for a while because we were sharing the same watering can. My own tiredness and frustration was getting the best of me. Finally I put my "smart mom" hat back on and let her do whatever she wanted with the watering can while I got a bucket to do the real watering with.

Although it wasn't as much of a solo exercise as I had hoped, it was a nice welcome to spring and the coming gardening season, and a short respite from tired, cranky kids.

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