Saturday, May 10, 2014

Best Laid Plans of Kids and Cars

Since the kids were babies we travel at night to maximize sleep time in the car and minimize crying, screaming, yelling, etc.

True to form, we left for Boston Friday night after dinner, brushing teeth and putting on pjs. 

Lil Sis fell asleep instantly since she didn't nap all day. Big Bro asked how long the drive was. Four hours was my reply.

How much longer to Boston?

Still 4 hours....

How much longer to Boston?

3 hours 55 minutes...

How much longer to Boston?

3 hours and 45 minutes...

3 hours and 44 minutes....

3 hours and 43 minutes...

3 hours and 40 minutes--

Mommy! You already said that so many times!

Well, it's a long drive it's going to be dark before we get there, it's not even dark yet. Why don't you close your eyes and sleep? It will make the drive shorter.

I'm never going to fall asleep! I'm going to stay awake the whole time!


We heard many more questions on how much longer the drive would be. We talked about how it would get dark and we would still have a long way to go. We would see the city lights and lots of big buildings.

There's a lot of lights and buildings! He declared somewhere in New Hampshire where some warehouse type buildings and street lights were visible next to the highway.

Um, ok...

Then Lil Sis woke up crying and wailing. Go home now! she whimpered.

But we're going on our trip to Boston! We're staying at a hotel! Yay!!?

More crying.

I know what will make her feel better, Big Bro offered. We can go home!

Uh, nope. Look a toll booth isn't that neat??? Let's listen to music class CDs!

I swivel my arm back to rub Lil Sis' sweaty hair to calm her down.

I'm going to stay up so I can see the Boston lights! says Big Bro.

Well, you can sleep and we will wake you up to see them.

10 minutes before the skyscrapers appear he falls asleep and will not wake. Lil Sis is still gripping my swiveled back arm. Oh, it aches...

We arrived at our hotel after what was probably the longest seeming drive since I myself was a child.

From now on we will drive during the day.

Boston Pics

Waiting for the hotel elevator

Getting ready to play Red Light, Green Light at our friends' house.

Bikes and scooters

Lil Sis didn't like riding the T, too loud

Finally getting off the T after a bus transfer due to construction

Harvard Natural History Museum

Growl !

Ocean Dinosaur!

Lil Sis and the Dinosaur


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